Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Video: Obese child removed from home in Ohio

>> ohio mom is fighting to get her 8-year-old son back after officials took him into foster care last month because the child is overweight. the third grader weighs 200 pounds. if you were wondering, the weight for an average 8-year-old boy is around 50 pounds. this case was so extreme, they had to intervene. on the child 's ninth birthday. they will decide if he will return to his mom. the professor of bioethics. thank you very much for joining us. at least eight other states have looked at cases or looked at cases similar where a parent is being accused of child abuse because the child is overweight.

>> 200 pounds in the third grade is a ticking time bomb . it's risk. it's not imminent harm. that's the usual standard you look for in removing the child . not of something down the road, but is something going happen immediately. that is not true in this case. the problem with an overweight child doesn't end with the child moving out of the house because he will come back. you will have to figure out ways to change bad habits with the family. i'm not sure moving him into foster care will fix the problem at home.

>> the boy's mom said listen, he's on the honor roll and a great kid and you are taking my child from me. why not intervene in a way where you educate the parent or help them? what does this do to a family where you rip this child from his home, from his mom, the parent he knows.

>> rip the child into a lousy foster care system. it's already overwhelmed. they can't deal with kids getting beaten up and sexually assaulted already.

>> this foster care race is say healthy environment, it's still not your home. is the government or county going too far when they say you can remove a child based on weight. we know what obese is, but what if the child is on the way to obesity?

>> it's still a bad policy. moving kids out of the home is going to be emotionally wrenching with him going to live with strangers. you are creating turmoil. it's not good for the kid. this parent for whatever reason unless you monitor the kid 365 days a year every minute, who knows where they are getting their food. they may be getting the effort to have the kid be less obese, but you can't turn to foster care . we have too many overweight kids it would overwhelm the system.

>> what i was thinking is you have to wonder about the income of the family. you have food in poor areas where they don't have grocery stores and the luxury organic grocery store . will you see more minorities and poor people targeted by this as opposed to getting some kind of help?

>> does anyone think a 200 pound kid in a rich family household out in the bushes will be put into foster care ? i don't. i think you are right. it will fall mainly on the single mom and on the poor who don't have the resources to resist this. inherently unfair. we have no reason to think it's going to work. there is no study that shows taking kids out of the home and putting them somewhere else is going to make them skinny.

>> some say they want to take the child out of a dangerous environment. let's assume that they are trying to do what's best for the child . how do we move it past taking the child ?

>> if we were going to be at our kindest, you are trying to draw attention. you have to fix what's wrong at home. you have to make the right foods and can't control the child . you have to work on the family. just moving the kid out is not a solution.

>> thank you very much. the hearing is next month. we will see what happens. thank


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